Thursday, 26 July 2012

Your Ultimate Inspirational Guide To Running

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Ladies, you are going to love my first recommendation.  Being a woman, it’s no surprise that I think a shopping spree is in order to get your running outfits organised.  And who doesn’t feel inspired and energised after an excellent day at the shops?

It’s finally sunny and the department stores are heaving with the madness of sales.  So hit the high streets and stock up on cotton or Dri-Fit  t-shirts, shorts, leggings or whatever makes you feel good and comfortable when you are out running.

Don’t forget to pop into your favourite sports store for a pair of well fitted shoes.  I love the Asics range, I always have.  BUT I am definitely not impressed with the enormous toe hole that keeps recurring above my left toe.  Perhaps a shoe re-fit is in order!  I usually find that if I keep getting fitted by the same pair, then I can purchase this for a significantly lower price at Lillywhites in London.

Now the only other single most important item that you will need (other than your motivated and inspired self of course) is energetic music to make your running experience truly unforgettable.  Running is about time for you.  This will quickly become your chance to de-stress, gather your thoughts, reflect about your day (if you run after work) or to plan ahead if you are an early riser.

For confidence and direction, always plan your route.  I love WalkJogRun for help with planning routes and calculating distance.  If you are a creature of habit, then you may end up choosing the same routes after work for that truly relaxing experience when you are out pounding the streets.  Mix your routine with hills and beautiful scenery for a change in the weekends to avoid boredom.

Preparing playlists that are dedicated to your favourite running tracks are essential for a smooth running experience.  No one wants to be interrupted by Frank Sinatra’s ‘New York, New York’ when you are deep in thought, enjoying the giddy sensation from the lovely endorphins that running can shower you with.  We do love Frank Sinatra but he is definitely not appropriate as running tracks.  Instead, choose plenty of upbeat music with great rhythm.  I do love remixed tracks for that extra speed in my stride.

I rarely listen to music when I am not exercising, so I really do look forward to exercising for this reason alone.  Always be prepared.  So remember, gear up, plan your route, organise your music and then out that door you go.

Last but not least, ensure that you eat a light snack an hour before such as a banana or a delicious large orange.  Ensure that your usual lunch or dinner meal is at least a few hours earlier to give you plenty of time for easy digestion. 

Finally, drink up!  Stay hydrated and smile knowing that you will sleep like a baby after your refreshing date with yourself out in the park or on a treadmill.  All you ever need for a brilliant run is you, a bit of fuel and good music.  It doesn’t matter if you run for 20 or 50 minutes, just get out there, enjoy and move your body!

Lovely readers and runners, do you have any tips to share? 

Image from Google