Monday, 9 July 2012

OMG Where's That Food Diary & Exercise Regime?

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Lovely readers, I must apologise profusely.  I have not maintained a food diary for over two weeks, maybe three.  There's been a holiday to France that's interrupted the routine and then I've been down with a bit of a dreadful cough.  My exercise schedule has totally been ditched to a corner.  

Yet, I am looking longingly at some of the spectacular summer dresses that are splashed across Grazia.  I do fancy a new summer dress or two.

How do you get back on track after a holiday or brief period of illness?  How do you find the motivation to pick up from where you left off?  The fact is, the lack of sun certainly does not tempt me to race to the park for that much needed run.  

Admittedly, I do miss exercise.  I am thinking that the key is to start small.  Perhaps just a 5K run tomorrow will do.  I'll pencil in a date with Nike Training app for later in the week too.  A buddy system works well, especially if you exercise regularly with a friend.  You will definitely want to keep this date with your buddy to get back on track.  

Think about it, that feeling when you return to exercise and healthy eating after a period of indulgent behaviour will be freeing, making you feel so much lighter, happier, healthier.

Once you are released from the walls of inactivity and indulgent eating, you will be back into the usual exercise routine (but my god that goats cheese tart was delicious - for the recipe see A Party Tart With Goats Cheese, Parmesan & Tomato).

It's taking that first step back towards the healthy 'you' that's the tricky part.  Here a few tips that you might also find useful if you are in a similar situation.  After all, I'd rather keep trying to get back into it and fail a few times, than never try at all.

Tip 1
I plan to place my running gear on my bed before I leave the house, so that the first thing I see when I return home is my promised date with the park.

Tip 2
Mark the exercise period in your diary as you would with any other appointment.  This way if a friend tries to tempt you with after work drinks or dinner, you will need to schedule this after your exercise session.  

Tip 3
If you have a gym membership, look through the range of exercise classes and book yourself into one.  Make sure that you head straight to the gym after work.  Don't forget, if you prefer to exercise with a friend, then call a friend and plan a walk or alternative exercise activity together.

Tip 4
If everything fails, try on your favourite dresses or pair of jeans to remind yourself that exercise plays an important role in keeping your body and heart in tip top shape.

So on that note I shall leave you to mull over exercise, healthy eating and gorgeous summer dresses.

How do you get back into your exercise routine?