Tuesday, 3 July 2012

DIY – Are You Up For The 'Health' Pizza Challenge?

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Healthy and pizza?  Is it really possible to have the two words in the same sentence? 

Apparently Scotland says so.  Their new ‘health’ pizza appears to have gripped our Northern neighbours by storm.  The ‘nutritional’ pizza is designed to provide 30% of an adult’s daily requirements for vitamins and minerals, as well as a third of the allowance for calories, protein and carbohydrates.

Did you know that seaweed contains a miniscule portion of salt in comparison to regular salt?  It is therefore a useful addition to pizzas to reduce the amount of total added salt.

Whilst ‘healthy’ pizzas plan to take over UK supermarkets by storm, why don’t you just do it yourself?  Make it with the kids in your very own kitchen and you’ll soon realise how easy and fun it is to prepare.  It’s a great meal to prepare with the kids and you’ll enjoy the experience as a family. 

Pizzas with the right ingredients can also be a useful way of sneaking in colourful fruit and vegetables.  Aubergines, bell peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs such as basil are readily available in your local markets.

Whether this summer is hot or flooding with rain, home-made pizzas can be a great meal solution to a night in, any day of the week.  It’s easy to assemble and relatively cheap to make.

Recipe ideas

Use wholemeal pita bread as your base.  Cover the pita with tomato paste and no more than a tablespoon of grated cheese for each pita.  Top with your favourite cut up vegetable pieces.  You may wish to try a combination of tomatoes, mozzarella, garlic and basil.  Instead of regular tomato paste, use sundried tomato paste or a green pesto for a phenomenal boost in flavour.  Scatter a light sprinkling of herbs de provence for good measure and then you are ready to throw this in to the oven.

If you plan to impress, then you could go majestic like this French restaurant in Nice (see picture featured above).  

It’s truly spectacular and regal, topped with salad, juicy tomatoes, olive oil or a salad dressing, grilled cheese, spring onions and prosciutto.  Your guests will certainly enjoy this mouth watering slice of summer and complement you through-out the night.  If you prefer, roll out your own pizza dough.  The key is to prepare individual circles of pastry for each guest.

Now all you need to do is select the red wine and diluted juice for the kids.  That was easy!

How do you prepare your pizza?