
Let's Chit Chat

Let's Chit Chat Where You Do The Talking

Tell me what nutrition topics or beauty dilemmas you want me to write about.  Your suggestions and comments are highly valued and appreciated.

I absolutely love hearing from you and read all your comments.  I will make every effort to write about the topics requested.

Don't be a stranger, talk to me!


  1. Hi there,

    I love reading about nutrition. I have topics you might be able to write about that i am interested in myself.

    - Detoxing.. does it work?
    - Low Carb. Vs Low Fat?
    - Low GI foods.
    - Eating for Sport (nutrition for before/during/after)
    - Aspartme, Diet sodas, sweeteners etc. Your opinion.
    - beating the Food coma?


  2. Thank you very much Joe. I hope to get back to you with the relevant articles soon.

  3. Hello Girl in Purple,

    Love Purple too, by the way, good choice ;-)
    I would like to know a bit more about carbs and cheese are they really that bad? How can we keep them in diet but making sure that we are going to loose weight? Especially cheese vs yogurt, as I am not tolerating well milk.

    thanks in advance for all your advice

    An other Purplegirl:-)

    1. Thank you for your interest in my blog. I will write an article to address your questions as soon as I can.

  4. I've tried to address the issue of cheese in relation with weight loss for you today and briefly regarding lactose intolerance. If you have a milk allergy, can you please specify, as my advice would then be different. I hope to release an article on carbs next week. Thank you again for visiting my blog. I hope that I've been able to help you in some way.

  5. Hi, I have heard a lot about super foods, can you shed more light on the quantities you should be eating of these types of foods (daily or weekly) and examples of them? Thanks.

    1. Thank you very much Nat! It will be interesting to write about this. Hope I can produce an article for you on this very subject in the near future.

  6. Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to have a balanced diet when you are vegan. A friend of mine is vegetarian but is trying to become vegan, although it is quite hard when you don't have too much time to cook. I am convinced that a vegan diet is unbalanced because the only protein he gets are from lentils, beans, soy and mushrooms. and how about calcium? he is already deficient in vitamin B12 and needs to get B12 injections every couples of months, and also takes iron supplements. Is is enough to get enough vitamins, minerals and proteins? How about women? Can a vegan diet be balanced enough for women?

    1. You are right to be concerned, a lot of preparation is required for a balanced diet on a vegan program. I will address this issue in one of my articles soon. Thank you very much for your continued interest in my blog.

  7. Hi there, can i challenge you to try different diets?

    Paleolithic - two weeks worth?
    (basically meat and veges diet)

    Ive had amazing results in losing fat. My body crashed in energy initially but after coming out i felt fantastic.

    I had to ammend it slighly as going strict would be crazy but all in all i did remove grains/rices/pastas/breads/noodles/dairy and refined sugar and i feel great, not to mention abs feel tighter.

    I hope you give it a go!

  8. Hi
    I have been reading about glutathione as the 'master antioxidant' capable of cell regeneration in a way that is superior to all others. There are no supplements widely available as it seems that the manufacture of supplements which can be synthesised by the body is almost impossible. There is one patented formulation called Maxx GXL, but it is a network selling scheme and about £60 a month. Do you know anything about this glutathione and if there are any cheaper options?

    1. Noted & intrigued. Will let you know what I come up with. Thank you for the request.

    2. May I please double check the specific interest behind glutathione? Exercise performance? Cancer? Skin health?

    3. I had a look at the product and I noticed that the web site hyped on glutathione which they rightly should, but I didn't feel that they told me enough about what their product containing the glutathione was actually going to do for me. I would have liked to have been able to see their clinical study in full, particularly the study population details and how long the individuals needed to keep supplementing to enjoy the benefits.

      My suggestion - do they offer you a free months trial? Check that your diet is optimal for glutathione and it's precursors and if you still feel that you need a 'boost', then try the product for a month and let me know what you think!
