
Healthy Children

I have several years experience as a specialist paediatric dietitian.  I am therefore in a position to give you winning advice that is accurate and focused on quality.

Visit my other blog on facts and recipes specifically for kids on UK Kids Nutrition by Bahee Van de Bor

Watch this space for posts!

Masterclass - Feeding Your Child With Faltering Growth.  

It’s a bit of work, but nothing is impossible.  It’s heart aching for a mum when a health professional diagnoses your child with faltering growth, but do you know what this term really means?

Faltering growth is a medical term used to describe when an infant or child fails to grow along their ‘own percentile line’ on a growth chart.  As a result, the child's weight and height may cross two or more centile lines on their chart. 

For example, assume baby Amelie was born on the 25th percentile as plotted on a girls growth chart.  A few months later, her weight dropped to the 9th to 25th percentile on the growth chart, but she continued to grow along this line for the next two years.  Her height on a different percentile line, continued to follow the same line through-out her childhood. 

Amelie may only be classified as faltering to grow or ‘failing to thrive’ if her weight drops from the 25th percentile down to less than the 2nd percentile.  Her height may or may not be following her own line on the growth chart.  There are a multitude of reasons why a child may struggle to grow at their expected rate, but this is not the purpose of today's post.  For more information on faltering growth, refer to this short article by Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children titled Faltering Growth.


Your dietitian or medical practitioner may prescribe high energy milks or special feeds to help your child grow.  Alongside these special milks, the use of high energy foods such as margarine, cooked breakfasts, high energy snacks and food fortification with oils and fats can promote weight gain for your little one.

Here are a few suggestions.


Toast - your child may only have a few bites but you can make every mouthful calorific by using more than one spread such as margarine AND jam AND peanutbutter AND chocolate spread and so on.

Cereal - consider using full cream milk and add sugar or honey to increase overall caloric content of the meal.

For a leisurely breakfast, offer pancakes or waffles with syrups, croissants or brioche.  Eat meals with your child to create a pleasant and social atmosphere around meal times.

Get into a routine and feed your child at the same time each day.  Allow 30 minutes for each meal and never 'force' your child to eat.  This will only increase your child's anxiety around meal times.  Instead, create a positive feeding environment whereby you encourage your child and reinforce positive behaviour i.e. when your child takes a bite or puts food into their mouth.

Add meat AND an extra protein into sandwiches such as cheese.
Use margarine or other high fat spreads AND other fillings for sandwiches.
For soups, consider adding a teaspoon of oil or cream.
Similarly, mix in a teaspoon of margarine or vegetable oil into hot meals to boost calories

As above and always offer dessert even if it is something simple like yoghurt, jelly or tinned fruit.  Every extra bite counts!

Snacks - carry snacks with you so that you have something on hand if your little one says that he/she is hungry.  Cereal bars, dried fruit, biscuits, pre-packaged slices of cake or crisps are easy to transport for the busy mum on the go.  At home, you could offer cheese and crackers, toast with spreads, mini sandwiches, flavoured milk, fruit drizzled in honey or syrups or anything that the little one will accept and enjoys eating.

These are only a few ideas for increasing energy intake for the little one needing the extra calories.  For recipe ideas that are milk, egg, wheat or soy free, refer to the section Collection of milk, egg, wheat or soy free recipes. 


  • Offer 3 meals and 2 - 3 snacks per day at the same time each day
  • Allow up to 30 minutes for meal times
  • Never force your child to eat, encourage him or her to eat and reinforce positive behaviour with a hug or words of encouragement
  • Use two spreads on bread and choose at least 2 protein fillings in sandwiches to increase calorie intake
  • Consider adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil into a hot meal (mix this in prior to serving)
  • Offer dessert or a bed time snack 

Good luck and do share any tips that you have found useful.  Please do comment below, I love hearing from you.

You'll enjoy me following around little Pauline, a French princess in my attempt to document her food diary for a day.  See Savouring The Bite - Food Diary Of A 3 Year Old.

Has your dietitian asked for a high energy diet for your little one?  See High Energy Lemon & Almond Polenta Cake.

This is no ordinary cake.  In fact, this is so energy dense and rich in calories and sugar that I need to take a break from baking for the blog!  After all, whatever I bake, I end up eating.

The good news is that this is excellent for an individual with high energy requirements.  Or perhaps your child is following an exclusion diet but can do with the extra calories.

Consisting of polenta, this gorgeous energetic cake is also wheat, gluten, milk and soy free.  I did throw an egg in it so this is not egg free.  

I was very impatient and turned the cake over after only 10 minutes of cool time.  Oops - alas I also did not line the tin with any extra margarine (like as if the cake needed any extra fats), so the cake stuck to the tin (but really, no surprises there)!  I would wait till the cake cools completely before cutting.  

At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it as it was very sweet and lemony.  Once I had stored it in the fridge and then re-tasted, we all thought it was quite delicious.  A lovely grainy but sweet crumb, thanks to the polenta and sugar.

250g margarine (milk free)
230g demerara sugar
1 egg
1 medium banana, mashed
100g polenta flour
160g polenta
100g ground almonds
Rind of 1 small lemon

1. Preheat your oven to 200ºC.
2. Cream the sugar and margarine.  
3. Next beat in one egg and the mashed banana.
4. Add the flours and ground almonds, one at a time, mixing well.
5. Add the rind of one small lemon and squeeze in the juice into the mixture.
6. Pour into a baking tin, bake at 200ºC for 10 minutes, then cook further for 30 minutes at 180ºC.

Enjoy and remember, this is high in fat and sugar.  Treat this like a 'treat' food or enjoy if your child or you require a high energy diet.  Otherwise, just look and admire.

For benefits of polenta see The World's Sexiest Carb - Italian Polenta.

Have you read How To Get Your Little One To Eat Greens?  This is probably something that mums ask me all the time.  Each time we end up developing individually appropriate action plans, but here are a couple of tips for you to get started with.

You may think that it’s a luxury to have your kids enjoy eating their greens, but it’s an easier task to achieve than you think.  Before you roll your eyes and shut me down completely, here’s a true story.  My girlfriend recently gushed in joy that her 15 month old boy ate spinach after months of battles with the greens.

He would hopelessly throw his vegetables on the floor for his own pleasure (much to the dismay of his tired and annoyed mum).  Don’t get me wrong, this little boy is gorgeous and gives me an arm work-out every time I lift him in my arms.  I am sure that he is over the 50th percentile for both height and weight on his growth chart. 

So what’s the problem?  Well it’s that moment in every mum’s life when her son or daughter starts refusing their greens.  How do you cope with it?

My chosen weapon of attack is known as the disappearing act.  If you are missing the trick, all that you need to do is to puree the green item and mix it in with the main meal.  For example, my Creamy Mushroom And Asparagus Risotto With Spinach worked a treat!  The little one hardly noticed that the spinach was included in the dish and devoured it like magic.

When oceans of tears are the last thing that you want to deal with after a hard day of work and hours in the kitchen, then this is one practical suggestion that can be incorporated on a daily basis, when you need to ride through the temporary phase of ‘I will not eat the yucky greens’.

Never force your child to eat something that they don’t like as you run the risk of feeding aversions.  Instead, encourage them as much as you can and try the refused food a few days later.  

Secondly, you could try presenting the same dish with the spinach cooked in its ‘whole’ form  once he or she starts eating it in the pureed version.  Chances are that you will have dinner completed in thirty minutes fuss free and you’ll have your secluded moment with that irresistible new book that you’ve been dying to read before bed.

Did you know that cucumber is one of the easiest things for children to eat?  It’s relatively plain, has a pleasing texture and has a high water content which the kids will love during summer.  As a pre-dinner snack, cut up cucumber sticks along with the children’s favourite veges for them to help themselves to.  You could seat them at the table and leave a small plate in front of them and then seriously, just leave them to it. 

No need to say a word.  Chances are, they will enjoy picking up the cut up vegetables and will help themselves without any encouragement from you.  Soon, you will be bonding over greens with your little ones.  Go on, give it a try!  You have nothing to lose.

How do you encourage your children to eat their greens?

Your kids will love my Seafood Stuffed Peppers With Garlic & Basil Squid.  It's delicious, quick and very easy to prepare.

I was initially going to keep this naturally gluten, wheat and soy free recipe to myself, but judging from the excitement on twitter chat this evening, I figured that it would be selfish to not share.

This recipe is not milk free due to the addition of cheese at the final stage prior to baking.  You could try using tofu but I am not entirely sure if this will work (only if your little one is allowed soy in their diet).

This could be a really easy after work recipe for busy mums that the kids will definitely enjoy!

4 red and yellow capsicums (bell peppers)
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 garlic cloves, crushed
3 small deep red tomatoes
Handful of basil, roughly shopped
3 medium mushrooms, sliced
230g mixed seafood (mussels, prawns, squid)
1 tube of squid, cleaned and sliced
75g smoked mackerel, torn apart into pieces
Parmesan or mature cheddar cheese

1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC.
2. Cut capsicums in half and remove the seeds.  Place on an oven tray (I wrapped mine in foil).
3. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan then add crushed garlic, chopped tomatoes and the basil.
4. Cook for a few minutes, then add mushrooms and all of the seafood.
5. Cook for a further 10 minutes then spoon your mixture into the capsicum halves.
6. Top the capsicum halves with a small sprinkling of Parmesan or Cheddar.
7. Bake in the oven for up to 40-45 minutes or until the capsicums appear cooked.

This is a very simple recipe that I am sure even the kids will love.  It's time efficient and a great way to sneak in a few green peas.  Check out Thursday Indoor Street Food - Prawn & Wild Mushroom.

There are no added fats in this recipe, it is lower in salt and above all, is wheat and gluten free.  Always check your shrimp paste to verify the latter.

What's the buzz?  You'll have this meal put together in less than 20 minutes.  This will appear ultra-delicious when you are on the hunt for something quick and fuss free.  If your child is on a milk, egg, wheat and soy free diet, then chances are, you need to increase the energy in his/her diet.  

I would suggest drizzling a little bit of olive oil before serving to increase the overall energy content of this meal.

1/2 cup long grain rice
1 garlic clove, chopped
3/4 teaspoon shrimp paste
3 mixed wild mushrooms (dried)
200g cooked prawns
1 teaspoon chives, chopped

1. Thoroughly wash the rice until the water runs clear.
2. Add washed rice into a saucepan, cover in water and bring to boil.
3. Add shrimp paste, followed by the dried wild mushrooms.
4. Throw in the garlic, stir well and turn down the heat to medium.
5. Add the peas and once most of the liquid has been absorbed, throw in the prawns and chives.
6. The meal is ready when all of the liquid has been absorbed.
7. Serve with a generous grinding of freshly cracked black pepper.

Healthy and pizza?  Is it really possible to have the two words in the same sentence? 

Apparently Scotland says so.  Their new ‘health’ pizza appears to have gripped our Northern neighbours by storm.  The ‘nutritional’ pizza is designed to provide 30% of an adult’s daily requirements for vitamins and minerals, as well as a third of the allowance for calories, protein and carbohydrates.

Did you know that seaweed contains a miniscule portion of salt in comparison to regular salt?  It is therefore a useful addition to pizzas to reduce the amount of total added salt.

Whilst ‘healthy’ pizzas plan to take over UK supermarkets by storm, why don’t you just do it yourself?  Make it with the kids in your very own kitchen and you’ll soon realise how easy and fun it is to prepare.  It’s a great meal to prepare with the kids and you’ll enjoy the experience as a family. 

Pizzas with the right ingredients can also be a useful way of sneaking in colourful fruit and vegetables.  Aubergines, bell peppers, mushrooms, pineapple, tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs such as basil are readily available in your local markets.

Whether this summer is hot or flooding with rain, home-made pizzas can be a great meal solution to a night in, any day of the week.  It’s easy to assemble and relatively cheap to make.

Recipe ideas

Use wholemeal pita bread as your base.  Cover the pita with tomato paste and no more than a tablespoon of grated cheese for each pita.  Top with your favourite cut up vegetable pieces.  You may wish to try a combination of tomatoes, mozzarella, garlic and basil.  Instead of regular tomato paste, use sundried tomato paste or a green pesto for a phenomenal boost in flavour.  Scatter a light sprinkling of herbs de provence for good measure and then you are ready to throw this in to the oven.

If you plan to impress, then you could go majestic like this French restaurant in Nice (see picture featured above).  

It’s truly spectacular and regal, topped with salad, juicy tomatoes, olive oil or a salad dressing, grilled cheese, spring onions and prosciutto.  Your guests will certainly enjoy this mouth watering slice of summer and complement you through-out the night.  If you prefer, roll out your own pizza dough.  The key is to prepare individual circles of pastry for each guest.

Now all you need to do is select the red wine and diluted juice and water for the kids.  That was easy!

How do you prepare your pizza?

The following is a great wheat free cake recipe.  The kids will enjoy it.  The amount of coffee added in this recipe is so small that you can skip it if you wish.  See Italian Banana Loaf With Polenta, Walnut & Coffee.

If you are wondering why I’m baking with bananas today it’s because I’ve got a bowlful that needs to be eaten very quickly!  I am always on the look-out for gluten and wheat free recipes.  I think I’ve been too naive about what goes into recipes in the past.  So I’m very excited to try this recipe using polenta which I have eaten millions of times, but never cooked with before.

Polenta is naturally wheat and gluten free.  It is made by grinding corn into flour and is a staple in Italy.  Uncooked polenta in baking results in a moist product.  It also adds a grainy dimension that is tasty and most of all, a wheat and gluten free dish.  It is also cheap and readily stocked in most supermarkets.

 5 small to medium bananas, mashed
100g walnut pieces

Dry ingredients
110g plain gluten free flour
110g polenta
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon mixed spice
1 rounded teaspoon baking powder
140g dark brown muscovado sugar
Pinch of salt

90g *margarine or butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 tablespoons strong black coffee

1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees celcius.
2. Mash bananas and set aside.
3. Roast the walnut pieces on a baking tray for 7 minutes.
4. In a large bowl combine the dry ingredients.  Using your fingers, break up any lumps of sugar.
5. Add butter, vanilla essence and fold in the bananas and walnut pieces.
6. Finally add the coffee. Beat the mixture until it is smooth. 
7. Pour into a baking tin and bake for approximately 45-50 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

Allow to cool completely before serving with a freshly brewed cup of tea or coffee.

This recipe is milk, egg, wheat, gluten and soy free.  If you are avoiding milk for your child, ensure that your margarine is vegetable based and read the ingredient list.  An example of a suitable milk free alternative to butter is 'PURE' margarine.  Butter is not free from milk.  If you don’t need to avoid eggs, then simply replace one of the bananas with an egg.

There's chocolate in this recipe so you can be sure that your kids will definitely love it!  Here's another milk, egg, wheat and soy free baking solution in Wholesome Oaty Chocolate & Hazlenut Slice.

If you read my Food Diary then you know how much I love oats!  I eat it almost daily for breakfast.  It's a fantastic source of fibre and usually keeps me going till about noon.  

This recipe is 'wholesome and fabulous' as my friends called it yesterday afternoon.  It works well with a glass of wine or a hot cup of freshly brewed Ceylon tea.  The agave nectar is purely because I've still got a bottle in the cupboard (read my article The Sickly Truth About Agave Nectar).  My first choice would normally be honey so please don't feel that you need to go out and get some.

For a delicious twist, I've thrown in chocolate with hazelnuts.  It adds a rather scrumptious crunch to your afternoon tea party!  

I couldn't find my square tin so I threw the batter into a round tin yesterday!  We ate it with reduced fat custard.....delicious.

This recipe is gluten, wheat, soy and egg free.  It is however, not milk free.  Please check your chocolate to ensure that this is soy free if you need to avoid this.


100g margarine or butter
200g chocolate with whole hazelnuts
25g agave nectar or honey (optional)
100g reduced fat condensed milk
225g oats
110g gluten free self-raising flour
Pinch of salt
30g pecan nuts or walnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground mixed spice
2 medium bananas, mashed

 1. Melt the margarine with the chocolate and agave nectar (if using) over a low heat in a saucepan.
2. Mix in the condensed milk.  If you do not want to use condensed milk, then use additional honey or golden syrup.
3. In a bowl weigh and mix oats with the self-raising flour and salt.
4. Add the chocolate mixture to the flour and oats.  Combine well.
5. Add nuts, cinnamon and ground mixed spice and mix well.
6. Add the mashed bananas to the final mixture and pour into a square tin.
7. Bake in the oven for 170 degrees celcius for 45 – 50 minutes.  Leave in the oven for a little longer for a lovely golden colour.

The kids will love this recipe that I am about to reveal to you.  One of my readers said that her 15 month old son is a fussy eater and does not like his greens!  She tried him with this and he didn't even know that he was eating spinach.  See Creamy Mushroom And Asparagus Risotto With Sundried Tomatoes.

What a lovely surprise we’ve had today.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the sun and felt alive again running under a smiling yellow ball of fire.  It feels a little bit nippy now and to continue our Mediterranean theme this week, I thought a vegetarian Italian risotto would do us a world of good.

This recipe is also gluten and wheat free.  Check your ingredients carefully to ensure that the recipe ingredients are also soy free.  As the recipe contains crème fraiche and parmesan cheese it is not milk free.  However, you could trial substituting these ingredients with soy yoghurt if your child needs to exclude milk, but is allowed soy in the diet.

I like zero waste, thus I have incorporated both tips and stems of the asparagus.  If you prefer, you can choose to use tips only.

200g sundried tomatoes in olive oil
3 shallots, chopped finely
4 garlic cloves, sliced
8 – 10 asparagus, both tips and stems, cut into 1 inch pieces
500ml stock
550g Arborio rice
500ml white wine
10 – 12 mushroom buttons
100g baby spinach
3 tablespoons reduced fat natural yoghurt or crème fraiche
75g parmesan cheese, grated

1. Drain the sundried tomatoes and reserve the oil.  Slice the sundried tomatoes into small pieces.  Set aside.
2. Add ½ the olive oil to a large saucepan and cook the shallots, garlic and asparagus for a few minutes.
3. Whilst this is cooking, prepare your stock.
4. Stir in the rice and continue cooking until the rice turns opaque.
5. Pour in the wine and stir constantly until all the liquid has been absorbed.  I usually cook over a low to medium heat.
6. Then add stock in 3 parts and only when most of the liquid has disappeared.
7. Add the mushrooms and mix well.
8. In a blender blitz the spinach, yoghurt or crème fraiche and the grated parmesan.
8. Once the rice is nearly done, mix in the sun dried tomatoes and the pureed spinach.
10. Serve hot and season well with pepper.

If you really must have meat, substitute the mushrooms with 500g of chicken breast or thighs, cut into pieces but cook in oil until brown and then stir in after you have added the pureed spinach.

My second article titled What You Need To Know When Your Baby Has Reflux

Image by Google

Are you debating about pulling your hair out because your healthy and thriving baby is crying and vomiting yet again?  Don’t worry; you’ll be relieved to know that this may actually be perfectly normal.

Did you know that almost half of babies vomit at least once a day?  One in every five babies may vomit up to 4 times a day.  You may describe these vomits as effortless regurgitation, with earfuls of crying, back arching and ‘spills’ immediately or hours after a feed.

The good news is that almost all babies grow out of these symptoms of reflux completely by 18 months of age.

Remember, gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is a symptom, not a disease. 

So don’t panic if your baby decides to ‘spill’ yet again today.  If you are feeling frustrated after having only just changed your baby into clean clothes, relax, grab a cuppa and read my tips below.

Conservative therapy

Try to remember, that this period of ‘possits’, ‘spills’ and 'vomits' are only temporary and the situation will improve and resolve spontaneously.

Have you tried to modify feeding positions to find out your baby’s preferred feeding posture? 

Do keep your baby’s head elevated by approximately 30 degrees during and after feeds for around 20 to 30 minutes. 

Babies have stiff stomachs and the distance between their stomach and mouth is so short that if you bounce them on your lap immediately after a feed, you may find that you’re changing both your own and your baby’s clothes yet again!  

Supine positioning during sleeping is also recommended and may be helpful.

You can also trial smaller, but more frequent feeds.  For example, if your baby is feeding every 3 to 4 hourly, consider changing the feeding schedule to every 2 to 3 hourly. 

Breast milk is the best form of nutrition for your baby.  If you have chosen to breast feed, it is recommended to continue to do so whilst you overcome this period of reflux.

For formula fed babies, a pre-thickened formula may be beneficial in reducing the frequency of visible regurgitation.  This does not however, treat the underlying cause of the reflux.

A study showed that when parents adopted the above conservative therapy approaches, symptoms of reflux improved in more than half the babies without the use of any medications.

In severe cases of reflux with multiple symptoms, cow’s milk protein sensitivity or allergy may be the cause of unexplained crying and vomiting.  It has been suggested that up to 40% of infants with severe reflux or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) may suffer from cow’s milk protein allergy.  In this scenario, a 2 to 4 week trial on a cow’s milk protein free formula (for formula fed babies) may be beneficial.  

If your baby is over six months of age, you could also trial a soy based infant formula.  In some occasions where cow’s milk protein allergy is evident this may also be linked with soy allergy/sensitivity.  If the symptoms of reflux and history of vomiting persists even after a change in infant formula, speak to your GP or dietitian for further advice.

Seek medical advice if your baby is experiencing..
Repeated vomiting after every feed
Faltering growth (your baby’s growth is crossing lines on the growth chart)
Feed refusal
And your baby has also been diagnosed with other medical condition(s).

Finally a post for you in this section.  I hope you enjoy my first article.  Do You Teach Your Kids To Say Yes To Veges?

Parents you already know this, but research says that you play a pivotal role in shaping children’s food preferences.  A very recent study in Appetite this month indicated that in child food trials, vegetable consumption was not influenced by fussiness as you may have thought, but with drink accompaniment. 

Adults had a strong preference for pairing soft drinks with high calorie foods.  Vegetables were not chosen with soft drinks. 

When adults pair soft drinks with energy dense foods instead of vegetables, children as young as 3 years of age are already mimicking these food patterns. 

Is it possible that adults who choose water during meals as their default drink of choice also follow a healthier diet?  These parents are likely to include vegetables regularly with meals, whilst modelling the healthy eating plate to their children at the same time.

Parents, you are the role models for your children.  An earlier study in Public Health Nutrition said just that. 

Healthy eating behaviours begin at home.  Young children and adolescents ate fruit and vegetables, when their parents did.  Employ rules for healthy eating in your home and encourage your children to eat fruit and vegetables every day.

How can you tempt your child to eat fruit and veg?

Give them a choice.  It’s as simple as that.  

A 2010 issue in Public Health Nutrition suggested giving children a choice during fruit and vegetable eating situations.  Instead of offering an apple alone, offer them the apple and a pear.  Let them make the choice.  This is a positive method that you can employ for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in your own home.

To get you started, why not try my Asparagus & Spinach Risotto.  It’s delicious with a feta & tomato salad.

Asparagus & Spinach Risotto

3 garlic cloves, minced
1 large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 bunch Asparagus (approximately 12 – 14 spears), cut into 1 inch pieces
6 large button mushrooms
200g baby spinach
1 cup Arborio rice
2 cups stock of your choice
2 tablespoons reduced fat crème fraiche
Handful of parmesan, grated

Serves 4-5 persons

Heat the oil in a large saucepan.  Add garlic and onions and fry until golden brown.  Add asparagus and stir fry for a few minutes.  Then add rice and stir regularly.  Gradually add a third of the stock and allow simmering.  Now add mushrooms.  Add the second third of your stock, followed by the spinach.  Keep stirring continuously.  Finally add the remainder of the stock.  Mix in the crème fraiche just before removing from the heat.  Serve with a generous coating of the parmesan and a lovely salad.

Tip – if you are entertaining, you can try replacing a bit of the stock with a large glass (250ml) of white wine.  If you choose to prepare with wine, then add this first, then the remainder of the stock.  Delicious!  

This was our first meal in Spain so forgive the Sangria that you can see in the background!  I also prepared it with a mixture of white wine and stock.

What tricks have you got up your sleeve to get your kids to eat fruit and veges?  Do share!

If you enjoyed viewing this page then do SHARE the purple love with a TWEET or a LIKE on facebook.  Thank you so much!


  1. For a milk, egg, wheat and soy free recipe meal idea see my latest article Devilish Fried Chicken Thighs

    Use mild curry powder and choose olive oil instead without the added chilli instead.

  2. I've forgotten to mention that the Asparagus & Baby Spinach Risotto is also wheat free (if not served with ordinary bread).

  3. Great advice and recipes! When my first child refused stuff I got very stressed and it was my mum who said "cut it into bite size chunks and leave her to it" This worked a treat and it turned out she just wanted more independence. Having had 3 kids I can now say that they love: 1. all finger food (carrot sticks, cucumber, pepper strips), 2. dips (such as yogurt,hummus, mayo) and 3. "bits on sticks". The last one is fantastic, stick anything on a cocktail stick and pretend it's a party!


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