
Saturday 15 September 2012

Party Mojito Cupcake Gourmet Style With Xanthum Gum

Welcome to weekly Weekend party with A Light Perspective.  Last week, we explored BBQ Smoke Off Healthy Style.  It's worth a look, as I have a lovely guacamole recipe here which the guests absolutely adored.  Previous to that, we discussed How To Host An Italian Themed Party.  Pop by next weekend for a French themed article I'm sure, as the Frenchman's parents will be visiting.

But let's get on with today's awesome mojito cupcake recipe.  The recipe is not mine, I was inspired by Hummingbird ofcourse.  I tweaked it slightly to suit a milk, egg, wheat and soy free diet.  After all, why should one following this exclusion diet miss out on fabulous party food recipe ideas, right?

I had so much fun making this and so will you.  The recipe contains rum, so needless to day, this will not be suitable for children.  If you are hosting with children, skip the rum and use lime juice instead.

Try not to forgo the frosting in an attempt to save calories.  Stick to a whole cupcake and you'll be just fine.  The cake mix itself is quite 'light' I thought and so the frosting really does dress it up for a red carpet event.  Have fun and remember, you can tweak the ingredients if you do not need to exclude all of the allergens listed (milk, egg, wheat, gluten or soy).


100ml white rum
170g caster sugar
40g milk & soy free margarine
120g gluten & wheat free flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
11/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
1 tablespoon finely chopped mint
1/4 teaspoon xanthum gum
120ml rice milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

40g milk & soy free margarine
65g icing sugar
Remainder of zest from 1 lime
Remainder of zest from 1 lemon
Juice of 1/2 lime

Baking tray with muffin holes


1. Preheat oven to 170ยบ C.
2. In a small saucepan, bring the white rum and 30g of the sugar to boil.  Allow to reduce by half then set aside.  You will not need this again until the cupcakes are baked.
3. Beat the margarine, flour, salt, baking powder, lime and lemon zest, mint and remainder of sugar.  It will form a crumb like consistency.
4. Mix the remainder of the of the ingredients for the sponge in a jug.  Pour the liquid ingredients into the flour mixture (except for the rum) and mix on low speed if using an electric beater.  
5. Spoon the batter into the muffin holes.  I had enough for 11 cupcakes.
6. Bake for 15 minutes or until the cupcakes are light golden brown on top and springy to touch.
7. Whilst the cupcakes are still warm, spoon half the rum reduction over each cake, then leave to cool completely before frosting.
8. For the frosting, mix the margarine, icing sugar, lemon and lime zest on a low speed until combined.  Then add the remainder of the rum reduction and mix well.  If the mixture is very runny, consider adding 1/4 teaspoon of the xanthum gum.
9. Add the frosting onto the cupcakes and decorate with any remaining zest of lime and lemon that you may have.

Enjoy, this really is a delightful and FUN recipe!  Until next weekend's party themed recipe..

If you enjoyed this recipe, please do share the love with a TWEET or a LIKE on facebook.  Thank you so much!

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