
Sunday 2 September 2012

Grocery Shopping With Your Dietitian

It's been a week since we returned from our 7 day holiday in Scotland.  I can't believe it but we have yet to do our grocery shopping.  We did have emergency stocks of fish and chicken in the freezer to keep us going so I never went hungry. If you want to know what makes its way into a dietitian's kitchen, keep reading to find out.

I did pop into an Asian grocer's on the way back home from work Friday to pick up my supply of miso soup and tofu.  If you are wondering what I did with the tofu, read Health Benefits Of Soy Products & Satay Tofu With Chilli Shrimp.

The fridge just HAD to be stocked up with fruit and vegetables.  The apples were one of the first to go on the shopping list.

I am loving pineapple at the moment so it was no surprise that we brought this gorgeous fruit home with us.  How could I possibly not?

Fresh herbs such as basil, coriander or cilantro as well as fresh curry leaves certainly made it home with us today.  Here's a close up.

The tomatoes will come in handy for salads with avocado and cucumber.  They've already made it into the fridge.  You'll get a peek soon.

Low fat yoghurt was hot on my list for calcium and dessert.  I went for a peachy flavour this week.

I think you all know how much I adore salmon.  It's a regular in my trolley every fortnight.  New Zealand lamb is another favourite, except that I probably only eat lamb once a month or so.  I might prepare it with freshly cracked black pepper and herbs de provence.  

Smoked haddock, paneer and raw king prawns are another regular.  If they don't get used up this week, then I'll be whipping up something with them next week for sure.  

For fruit we've got pineapple, apples, peach, nectarine, grapes and strawberries.  There's bananas in the fruit bowl too but I have forgotten to photograph them.  I always buy tinned fruit for fruit salads.  This helps save time on prep if you plan to use a large variety of fruit for your salad.  Remember, try to buy fruit canned in natural fruit juice rather than syrup and save calories and unwanted added sugar.  For recipe ideas see Lazy Fruit Salad.

When fresh tomatoes get used up in salads, tinned tomatoes save me from having to run to the store for curries or soups.  Canned or frozen products still retain a lot of nutrients as they are packaged as soon as they are picked.  

During the weekends, I aim to purchase as many of the fresh fruit and vegetables from farmers markets.  Makes 5+/day for fruit and veg a real breeze when you get organised and prepared for the week ahead.

Finally a glimpse into the fridge!

The top shelf holds the mouthwatering strawberries & grapes.  There are bell peppers, mushrooms and chilli shrimp.  The shelf below from the left has fennel and cumin seeds in a box, there's the basil, Aero and yoghurt next to it.  I like my Aero when chocolate cravings hit, see Aero Bubbly - You've Been Screened.

The third or middle shelf is absolutely bursting!  Time for a bigger fridge I think.  There's spinach, apples, nectarines, cucumber, avocado, fresh pasta and chicken.  There's also pastry for an apple pie that the Frenchman will bake this weekend - hurrah!

TIP - choose skinless chicken and always remove visible fats from meat for a healthy heart.  For more top tips see Top Ten Diet Busters.

Just above the drawers, there's mozarella for the salads, as well as Dijon Mustard, sun-dried tomatoes and there's even champagne!  The drawers contain broccoli, tomatoes and fresh orange juice.

I am annoyed at myself for forgetting the onions, garlic and melon.  They never made it to the shopping list, oops!  There's plenty here to keep us going for a fortnight.  The fridge will just need topping up for fruit, vegetables and milk next weekend.

It really does pay to get organized for the week.  After all, how can you possibly eat healthy if you haven't planned your snacks and meals for the following week?

If you are stuck for recipes for the week, check out:
- Dhal or Kiss Away Wrinkles With Bad Breath (a beautiful lentil dish)
- Vegetarian Risotto Creamy Mushroom, Asparagus & Sundried Tomato Risotto.

What are your top three things that you always buy each week at the supermarket?  Do comment below, I love hearing from you!

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