
Saturday 22 September 2012

Baking With Egg Replacer

Exceptional memories as a child with echoes of your mother's voice humming to a tune may be what you immediately think of when I say baking.  So you may be surprised when I say baking without eggs is entirely possible..

Bananas are by far the cheapest and most effect natural binders for baking.  For cheesy savoury scones bananas would be the fastest route for a kitchen disaster.  To up the lightness and retain the airiness that eggs create, simply use an egg replacer.  

I recently discovered xanthum gum, but this is only useful as a binder.  For a fluffy savoury number, I experimented with Orgran's no egg, natural egg replacer.  The brand claims that this is ideal for baking, fillings, batter and custards.  

Orgran's no egg replacer is also gluten, wheat, dairy and soy free.  

For 1 whole egg = add 1 teaspoon of ORGRAN no egg replacer to 2 tablespoons of water
For 3 egg whites = add 2 teaspoons of ORGRAN no egg replacer, with 1 tablespoon of water

I have only experimented with this once and accidentally left the scones in for too long, oops, but besides that minor detail, the savoury treats were indeed a success without eggs.

Have you baked with an egg replacer before?  Do comment below, I do love hearing from you!

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