
Sunday 3 June 2012

Is Your Skin Picture Perfect?

My gorgeous friends Sukanya and Scotsman Andrew got married yesterday (wedding celebration number one).  As a bridesmaid, I was less than pleased to note that my skin was less than picture perfect for the all day event.

Appalled and puzzled I questioned why I had not achieved my glowing status.  Had I not eaten enough fruit and vegetables?  Have I left myself a little bit dehydrated?  Or was it the downgrade from Clarins to the modest Garnier moisturiser?  A grave mistake maybe and yet I am not entirely convinced that this is the problem.  It may be a little bit harsh but I am sending the Garnier pot straight to the bin all the same.

Beauty junkies I think I’ve got it.  As I pulled out all the brushes that I used to transform the bridesmaids yesterday, I prepared them for the weekly clean. 

I may complain that I’ve failed to get the look for less with Garnier, but you know what, I’ve been so busy that I think I’ve forgotten to clean my makeup brushes recently.  Some makeup artists may tell you to clean your brushes as often as you use them, whilst other beauty therapists say weekly.  Either way, I may have been using dirty brushes on pristine skin. 

I am horrified but I may have allowed bacteria and oils from my skin to build up on my brushes.  I’ll never know but ladies, if you’ve got a bit of down time this weekend, then don’t forget to clean your brushes.

How to clean your brushes

There are various products out there today, including spray type makeup cleaners.  I tend to use shampoo, facial cleansers or sometimes even a mild hand wash to clean my brushes.

I apply the cleanser or shampoo directly onto the bristles, and then lather up soapy foam before rinsing thoroughly with water.  Some of my brushes have wooden handles, so I lay them flat on a towel or on my kitchen bench to dry.  If you are in a hurry, I have used a blow dryer to speed up this process.

Cleaning your brushes regularly may also help maintain your skin.  If you are doing all the right things with nutrition and hydration, then don’t forget your weekly clean for your brushes.  Your skin will certainly thank you for it.

On that note, I think I'll go for a clay mask tonight.  How do you clean your brushes?

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