
Friday 29 June 2012

Day 4 - Why You Will Feast Like A King In Saint Paul de Vence

Built on a rock this is a magical place in Provence if you appreciate art.  This village show cases a rich variety of paintings, jewellery, herbs and adorable restaurants with a stunning view.

As you make your way up the hill, enjoy a brief stop at La Cure Gourmande.  The biscuits are lovely and chic with a large array of flavours.  You don’t want to miss out on this buttery goodness, if only for a moment.  After all, you are on holiday!  Just try and stick to one.

When you are ready for lunch, pick a restaurant with a dashing view.  Ours had grape vines enveloping us, giving you the illusion of being in Italy.  The Italian border is not far and has a profound influence on the French cuisine.

As an apéritif or with your meal, why not try pamplemousse vin, a refreshing pink grapefruit wine.  It is bright, low in alcohol and adds a marvellous addition to your extraordinary meal. 

 Seafood is a favourite.  Risotto aux fruits de mer is definitely to die for, with calamari, crevettes, white fish and mussels.

You may also like to try this dish below which is comprised of tomate farcie.  This is stuffed tomato.  The regal ingredients include beef mince, onions, olive oil and garlic.  

You will also be offered pissaladière, which is a white pizza topped with caramelised onions, garlic, olives and anchovies.  The pissaladière on its own would make an excellent appetizer. 

The meal was not complete without ratatouille and tapenade.  The latter is a provençal dish consisting of chopped olives, capers, anchovies and olive oil.

Calzone could make a manly choice, oozing an explosion of marinated juices wrapped in indulgent soft dough.

What meal is complete without gelato for a fabulously refreshing experience?

If you enjoy grand views then make your way to Gourdon after lunch.  You won't regret it.  Tip - the roads are a little bit windy leading up to this little village.  Hold on!  It is worth it when you get to the top!

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