
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Sushila's Paneer Explosion

Following on from last night's inspirational interview with Louise on vegetarian diets (see How To Follow A Winning Vegetarian Diet), I was delighted when a lovely lady (my aunt Sushila), donated her million dollar paneer recipe.  

Her cooking really is to die for.  You'll even have restaurants flaring their nostrils and turning green with envy at her 5 star recipes.  Despite this, instead of the catering business she leads finance in a multi-global company.  

What's paneer you say?  It is made by curdling hot milk with lemon juice or vinegar.  Unlike other cheese, rennet (enzymes extracted from the stomach of animals) is not used in the production of paneer.  It is therefore suitable on a vegetarian diet.  

So without further ado, I hope that I've tempted you to spice up your kitchen with this delicious paneer recipe that we've worked hard together for you.  


500g cubed paneer
2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
1 large red onion
1 sprig of curry leaves
3 cloves garlic, sliced
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 teaspoon of mustard seeds
1 teaspoon hot curry powder (or chilli powder)
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
I x 400g tinned tomatoes or 3-4 large tomatoes
2 tablespoons of coconut cream 
1 teaspoon fresh crushed ginger 
1 sprig of coriander leaves
1 tablespoon garam masala
Salt to taste

1. First shallow fry the paneer cubes in half the oil and drain them in a paper towel.  You will need to handle the cubes gently as it can crumble.
2. With the remaining oil, fry one large onion sliced finely, curry leaves and sliced garlic. 
3. Then add cumin seeds and mustard seeds. 
4. When it gets fried add curry, cumin and coriander powders and fry further for a couple of minutes.
5. Add the tin of tomatoes and keep stirring. Once it gets heated add the coconut cream.  
6. Soon after that add the paneer cubes and mix well.  The paneer should be coated well in the tomato sauce.
7. Remove from the fire and add crushed ginger and coriander leaves.  
8. Finally mix in a tablespoon of garam masala and salt to taste.

Serve with basmati rice and a salad.  Simply delicious!

This recipe is also egg, wheat and soy free.

For further information on vegan & vegetarian diets see Grass Eating Vegan Could There Be More

If you have variations for a paneer recipe that you are willing to share, then please comment below.  I love hearing from you and read all your comments!


  1. I am sooo making this! Paneer is one of my favourite dish! xx

    1. Thanks Melissa. This really is one of my favourite dishes! x

  2. I love paneer curries too. Your recipe sounds delicious.
