
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Beachy Tropical Mango, Strawberry & Oat Breakfast Smoothie With Agave Nectar

London is simply divine this week.  I thoroughly enjoyed my run through the park today, which looked spectacular with swans, ducklings and a large expanse of flowers through-out. 

Isn’t exercise amazing?  I feel like I am on cloud 9 and probably will remain there for the entire evening!

And so to celebrate summer, I’ve got a delicious breakfast smoothie for you - for the busy woman on the go!

It's delicious and you won't regret making it.


1 x banana (approx 90g peeled)
8 strawberries (150g)
1 slice mango (70g)
3 tablespoons oats (35g)
2 tablespoons peach flavoured yoghurt (reduced fat)
1 tablespoon Agave Nectar


Put all ingredients in a blender.  Blend for a minute or so and serve immediately.  You can use ice if you desire, but personally, if you mix all ingredients cold, straight from the fridge, you may not need it.  

I am feeling posh so I'll have mine in a martini glass tomorrow..

Enjoy this low GI breakfast with Agave Nectar.  For those who have yet to discover this, read my article The Sickly Truth About Agave Nectar.  Don't forget - brown sugar or honey will work brilliantly in this recipe too.

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